Plastic Free Week at Amal Foundation

Plastic Free Week at Amal Foundation

Duration : 10 Dec 2023 To 15 Dec 2023

Location: Amal Foundation

Recently, Amal has organized a conference titled ‘Managing Plastics in Bangladesh: 2023 Conference’. To paint this conference with the color of success, Amal Foundation is running an interoffice plastic management campaign: ‘আমালের প্লাস্টিক মুক্ত সপ্তাহ’ – Amal’s Plastic Free Week. Here the employees of Amal Foundation made an effort to decrease the use of plastic in the office, with a hope that it will also affect their personal life and surroundings. 

Through this campaign, our aim was to inspire everyone to reduce plastic pollution and its usage for the betterment of our dear environment.